Paver locking sand

Paver locking sand, also known as polymeric sand, is a crucial element in finishing your paver patio or walkway project. It’s designed to fill the joints between pavers, providing important benefits like:


Locking sand fills and stabilizes the gaps between pavers, preventing movement and shifting. This reduces the risk of tripping or uneven surfaces and extends the lifespan of your patio.

Weed Prevention:

The polymeric properties of the sand deter weed growth within the joints, eliminating the need for constant weeding and maintaining a clean aesthetic.

Water Drainage:

Paver locking sand allows for proper drainage, preventing water from pooling between pavers. This protects the base material from erosion and helps to prevent cracking or frost damage.

Improved Appearance:

By filling the gaps and creating a smooth surface, locking sand enhances the overall look of your paver installation. It creates a finished and uniform appearance that adds to the aesthetic appeal of your outdoor space.

Here are some key things to know about paver locking sand:

  • Types: 
    There are different types of locking sand available, with varying levels of polymer content and suitable for different joint widths. Choosing the right type depends on your paver type, joint size, and desired level of performance.
  • Application: 
    Once your pavers are laid, sweep the sand into the dry joints until they are filled. Use a paver tamper or vibrating plate to compact the sand further. Then, lightly mist the surface with water to activate the polymer.
  • Maintenance: 
    Depending on the type of sand used, reapplication may be necessary every few years, especially in high-traffic areas.

Overall, paver locking sand is a valuable investment for any paver project. It enhances the look, functionality, and longevity of your patio or walkway, providing a durable and attractive finish for your outdoor space.

Here are some additional resources you might find helpful:

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