Broken stone for paving

There are several possible crossword answers for “broken stone for paving,” depending on the length and specific clues:

4-letter answers:

  • SETT: A small, roughly shaped block of stone used for paving.
  • GRIT: Crushed stone or gravel used for paving or surfacing paths.

5-letter answers:

  • COBBLE: A rounded stone used for paving roads or paths.
  • MACADAM: A type of road surface made with broken stone and tar.
  • GRANITE: A hard, igneous rock often used for paving slabs.

6-letter answers:

  • RIPRAP: Large, irregular stones used to protect embankments or shorelines.
  • CLINKER: A hard, vitrified brick used for paving in industrial areas.

7-letter answers:

  • CRUSHED STONE: A general term for broken stone used for paving and construction.
  • AGGREGATE: A mixture of sand, gravel, and crushed stone used in construction and paving.

9-letter answers:

  • HEADSTONE: A large paving stone used at the head of a grave.

To figure out the best answer for your specific crossword puzzle, consider the number of squares available, any additional clues in the puzzle, and the overall theme.

10 interesting facts of broken stone for paving crossword

  1. Ancient Stompers: Cobblestones, a classic paver choice, graced the streets of Pompeii over 2,000 years ago! Talk about enduring style.
  2. Roman Road Trip: The Appian Way, a Roman engineering marvel, was paved with volcanic rock called basalt, ensuring its longevity for centuries.
  3. Color Coded Crushed: Different colored crushed stones offer more than aesthetics! Crushed red granite can reduce glare, while white limestone reflects heat, helping to cool urban areas.
  4. From Cobbles to Castles: Medieval castles often used broken stone walls, not just for defense, but also for insulation and soundproofing. Imagine the echoing whispers in those halls!
  5. Beachy Brilliance: Crushed seashells, a sustainable paver option, provide natural drainage and a unique, coastal charm. Seashells might be whispering secrets of the ocean waves underfoot.
  6. Green Giant: Recycled concrete from demolished buildings can be crushed and repurposed for new pavements, reducing waste and giving it a second life.
  7. Hidden Gems: Some pavers made from broken stone even incorporate sparkling glass shards or crushed shells, adding a touch of hidden glamour to your path.
  8. Puzzle Power: Interlocking paver systems made from broken stone pieces make installation a breeze, no mortar mess required! Perfect for DIY enthusiasts who like a challenge.
  9. More Than Meets the Eye: Pavers aren’t just for flat surfaces! Broken stone walls, benches, and even planters add texture and dimension to your outdoor space.
  10. Sound Solutions: Crushed stone pavements can actually reduce noise pollution compared to solid concrete, offering a quieter stroll for you and your neighbors.

These are just some of the many fascinating facts about broken stone for paving. So next time you walk on a cobblestone street or a gravel path, remember the rich history and hidden secrets these little pieces hold!

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