Plinth Area Rates (PAR) 2023: Understanding Construction Costs in India

The Plinth Area Rates (PAR) 2023 document released by the Central Public Works Department (CPWD) is a crucial guide for estimating construction costs for public projects in India. It provides comprehensive schedules of unit rates for various building components, materials, and labour, based on a standardized plinth area concept. Understanding PAR 2023 is essential for … Read more

How do you use Gemini AI in Bard?

While Bard is not the full version of Gemini AI, it incorporates some of its underlying technology. This allows you to experience some of Gemini’s capabilities through Bard, though not its full potential. Here are some ways you can use Gemini AI in Bard: 1. Enhanced Question Answering: Ask Bard complex or open-ended questions and … Read more

How do I access Google Gemini AI?

Unfortunately, accessing Google’s Gemini AI directly is not possible for the general public at this time. It is still under development and only available to Google employees and select partners for testing and research purposes. There is no official announcement regarding its public release yet. However, there are a few ways you can experience its … Read more

Is Gemini better than ChatGPT?

Whether Gemini is “better” than ChatGPT depends on your specific needs and priorities. Both are powerful language models with distinct strengths and weaknesses. Here’s a comparison: Strengths of Gemini: Strengths of ChatGPT: Here are some specific examples: Also read: Is Gemini AI available to use? Ultimately, the “better” choice depends on your specific needs and … Read more

Is Gemini AI available to use?

Google’s Gemini AI is not yet available for public use. It is currently in development and being tested by Google internally. There is no public timeline for when it will be released, but it is likely to be several months or even years away. There are a few reasons why Gemini AI is not yet … Read more

Poush Sankranti In Bengal

Poush Sankranti In Bengal, the term “Makar” literally translates to ‘Capricorn,’ and Makar Sankranti is the day when the Sun transitions from one zodiac sign to the next. Geographically, this day marks the Sun’s movement from the Tropic of Cancer to the Tropic of Capricorn. In other words, the sun enters the constellation of Makar … Read more